Because I Love You (45RPM) Memories Of The Past (45RPM) Hey Toots (45RPM) I'm Not Gonna Loose You (45RPM)

The Chryslers & The Fabulous Monarchs

Names and short Info of Participants of the Chryslers and Monarchs.
Errors & Omissions: This information is 40 to 50 years old, and often 2nd. hand. There is no conscious effort to misrepresent or defame anyone mentioned or shown on this page or CD. There are many names missing from these pages. All errors and omissions are by unavoidable circumstances and are not intentional.
Names As Best Known. Related Functions.
Errors & Omissions: This information is 40 to 50 years old, and often 2nd. hand. There is no conscious effort to misrepresent or defame anyone mentioned or shown on this page or CD. There are many names missing from these pages. All errors and omissions are by unavoidable circumstances and are not intentional.
Mr & Mrs Breznicky (Andrew and Norma) Managers/Sponsors/Patrons/Promoters/Co-Producers/Song Writer/Consultant/Parents to 3 of the Monarch and Easy members. Andrew Breznicky was consultant to the original compositions of BECAUSE I LOVE YOU and I'M NOT GOING TO LOOSE YOU and bought most of the equipment for both band and singers. Mr Breznicky sound equipment skills were so developed, that he built a 4-way Microphone stand (before they existed on the market) from a mere description by Randy and Wendell to him. Mr Breznicky was known in the Country/Western/Folk Radio Broadcast Industry professionally as “Canyon Cal”. Norma Breznicky, always assisting, was like a Mom to all 15 members of the combined groups. Both leave a legacy of love and fond memories from us all.

Perry Winchester Sr & Jr. Asst Mgr/Sponser to The Chryslers. It was Mr Winchester Sr, who introduced The Chryslers to Mathew 'Chuck' Weber. It was Chuck, who placed The Chryslers together with Mr Breznicky & The Monarchs. Mr Winchester discovered The Chryslers from his son, Perry Jr, who heard them singing at a Church Talent Show. Circa 1964.

Mathew 'Chuck' Weber Manager/Promoter/Producer to The Chryslers and The Monarchs. Chuck introduced The Chryslers to The Monarchs and was a principal in the formation of JE (Jody Enterprises), a label which the combined musicians recorded on. Chuck, deceased in 2010, went on to have very successful and lucrative career in Business, Video and Music Industries. More may be found about Chuck at this Internet Web Sites,!/pages/Matthew-Charles-Weber-Remembrance-Page/153434028007586?v=info#info_edit_sections

Dave Shapiro Manager/Sponser/Promoter/Co-Producer/Clothing Warehouse owner was the primary Wardrobe Supplier to the Chryslers and Monarchs. Chuck Weber, Dave Shapiro and Joe Sokolas created Jody Enterprises, Inc. (the JE recording label) and recorded The Chryslers and The Monarchs on their label. Circa 1967-1968. His current status is unknown.

Joe Sokolas Manager/Engineer/Promoter/Co-Producer/Sponsor to the JE and Chryslers and Monarchs. Joe was the chief recording engineer, technical consultant and 3rd founding member of JE. Additionally, he toured with the musicians after they recorded their 45 RPM songs and functioned as the sound engineer for performances. When introduced, Joe was a Senior Sound Engineer for then, WJZ TV, ABC network, Baltimore, MD. His current status is unknown.

Wendell Amprey, The Chryslers Vocals, Wardrobe Design and Choreography. Brother to Walter Amprey (co-mgr.) Original 3rd Chrysler and recommended the auditions of both Bert Murray and Andre Towles for possible singers in the group.

Wendell, along with Randy Hammond, created most of the 'performance & stage-manship' of the Chryslers and the Monarchs.

Today, Wendell is vigorously, active in Christian Missionary Ministry work, in Tulsa, OK.

Andre Towles, The Chryslers "Gifted Vocals, original 5th Chrysler, passed away on Friday morning of March 16, 2007 at the young age of 58. Andre, loved by all was called into military service during the Vietnam War years, only months prior to the group song recordings.

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Randy Hammond, The Chryslers, Concert, Trix Gifted Vocals, Wardrobe Design, and Choreography. Along with Larry Jackson, conceived The Chryslers. Randy and Larry had practice singing togther since their childhood in the 1950s.

Randy, along with Wendell Amprey, created most of the 'performance & stage-manship' of the Chryslers and the Monarchs.

Currently, he is doing freelance, part-time, studio vocals and computer sales.

Marshall Bertram Murray, (Judge Murray, Esq.) The Chryslers Vocals, original 4th Chrysler, holds degrees in multiple Disciplines, performs speaking engagements, and currently is a Judge in Wisconsin.

Larry Jackson, The Chryslers, The Enlights, London Fog Vocals, Choreography, & composing. Along with Randy Hammond, conceived the Chryslers from their childhood camaraderie.

Currently, building an eCommerce Business. Most recently, returned to his 1st love of   Music and is again composing original songs.

Lamont Andre Davis, The Chryslers Vocals: 2nd generation Chrysler and recorded on JE with The Chryslers and The Monarchs.

The former co-lead singer on "Because I love you", was fatally injured in an auto-accident in March of 1994.

He is survived by his wife, the former Amanda Lambert; two sons, Army Pfcs Darrell Davis of Newport News, Va., and Donell Davis of Aberdeen; three stepsons, Byron Little, Nicholas Lambert and Philip Williams, all of Baltimore; his parents, Gladys and Edward Davis of Baltimore; and three grandchildren.

If you have a contact means with any of Lamont's family, please contact me (Larry Jackson) at or

Dennis Bowen, The Monarchs Drums (original band member) His current status is unknown.

Donny Trojanowski, The Monarchs Drums (2nd Generation) His current status is unknown.

Vick, The Monarchs Drums: 3rd generation w/ 1st generation Chryslers & Lamont Davis. Recorded on JE.

Tony, The Monarchs Sax His current status is unknown.

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Gary, The Monarchs Sax His current status is unknown.

Bob McIlvaine Trumpet His current status is unknown.

Dave McIlvaine Trumpet His current status is unknown.

Ronnie Breznicky, The Monarchs, Easy Lead Guitar, Vocals, and Composing. Currently, business owner and residing in North Carolina.

John Gerhardt, The Monarchs, Easy Rythm Guitar, Vocals and Composing. Reportedly, passed away.

Fran Breznicky, The Monarchs, Easy Manager, Keyboards, Bass Guitar, Vocals, Arrangements. Currently, business owner and living in Maryland.

Joe, The Monarchs Bass His current status is unknown.

Winnie, The Monarchs Go Go Dancer Current status is unknown.

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Patty Breznicky, The Monarchs Go Go Dancer, production assistant. Currently, housewife and horse ranch owner, living in Taneytown, MD.

Libby, Chrysler-Monarchs Fan Club Fan Club organizer. Current status is unknown.

Linda Ballantine (Ballantine may be incorrect), Chrysler-Monarchs Fan Club Fan Club organizer. Current status is unknown.

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